Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dedicated to all the man species...

Last night I was talking to one of my close college mate and we went on from talking about her man, my man and then just MEN! We spent hours going over the same things that we have been doing. She said something that made me laugh for hours after she hung up. She made a comparison of men that I had never heard before. “Men are like the robots in the movies. They are created to serve a purpose. Everyone is happy in the beginning of the film with how much easier life becomes. But it always ends the same way. The robots get over-smart and think they know more than their creators. And suddenly they are on a spree of trying to take over the world!”(Lol...Now that’s made up by me... I mean the comparison..Spare my friend...Identity not disclosed)

As true as that is, I really think we should have the kind of happy endings that those films have, where the robots are killed and life suddenly becomes more peaceful. Ha ha, I’m not a man hater, I actually love observing them. Isn’t it odd how men function? It’s always brought to light how women are complicated, but what about how men manage to screw things up? Ever noticed how, you want them to know something and move to action about certain matters, and they don’t? Well, they usually don’t do what you expect them to. My rule is, don’t expect! But then again, I stopped following rules since I was 2. But I do have a few things I believe in quite strongly.

It’s true that the Knight in shining armour is in reality, almost always, a retard in tin foil. He will look so good from far away and once he is nearby, you will soon realize the old saying, “All that glitters is not gold” was actually written for that one species only!

I still am amazed at how well they can switch off and on within seconds. They will pick up only what they want to hear!

I laughed when someone told me the other day 'if you love them you want them to be happy, you would do anything!' Men never think that way. On their priority list is them on the top and there is a big “full-stop” after that. The harder you try to get on that list, the more he is going to keep you away. Period. So like they say about butterflies, ignore them long enough and they will come chasing you, start giving a damn and see how much it helps!

In the end the best way to handle the species is occasionally feeding their egos, often giving them a kick in unconventional ways, being manipulative without feeling guilty and every time he pisses you off, punch him. Kidding***
I really think the rant has gone on long enough and I really don’t want to seem like I can survive without them. Cos more than I want to, I believe that the argument always goes in a circular motion to end at the same note. You can’t live with them and you really can’t swing the other way. Even in a lesbian relationship, there’s one who wears the pants, isn’t it?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dedicated to one of the rare true good friend.. i made...

I have a dream...

every time, I close my eyes.
When the silence is deafening,
when the darkness engulfs me,
its you i see.

Beautiful and standing tall,
looking for someone.
I see me..afraid
and lonely.
"Come to me...
complete me.." I plead...
but you do not hear me,
its someone else you seek.

Do you not recognize me?
Eyes that you once looked into,
and made promises of forever...
Don't these hands seem familiar?

They're the same ones you held,
when you slept at night,
I see you with someone else,
you take her hand,
like you once did mine...
you look into her eyes
and are lost...what you say to her...

I know I cannot bear to hear.
It pains my heart to feel this way.
But my dream does not end here..
its my dream..allow me to spin it around you...
as long as you are in my dreams,
i am close to you...

i fear to think of what were to come...
If i stopped dreaming..nothing more to live for...
Hush..oh cruel world...
...I'm dreaming.


The MODERN roller coaster ride.. i dont enjoy...anymore

I've been pushed on to a roller coaster I didn't want to be on I can't see what lies ahead, but looks like a long ride The highs that come make the lows steeper I'm all by myself and I'm getting scared I'm dizzy and I can't see straight I scream for help but it's my battle It's going to be tough but I will come out stronger I can go through the ride or jump off mid-way Trying to make up my mind, on the edge